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Darul Arqam Al-Islamia

Hifzul Quran with Primary

Intensive preparatory program for huffaz of quran -this program aims toward preparing huffazof quran to enter the high school (sanuviyah/ hidayatunnahu) stage. Students will be taught arabic language skills as well as the islamic sciences through a strong, intensive curriculum that qualifies them to enroll in the high school. They will finish two classes of bangladeshi qawmi madrasa Syllabus (taysir & mizan).

Additionally a student will be well educated after finishing this level like any other government schools in all major subjects like arabic, bengali , english languages, math sociology etc.


The hallmark features of Darul Arqam Al Islamia encompass unparalleled infrastructure, an esteemed faculty roster, outstanding academic achievements, exceptional co-curricular provisions, and innovative student initiatives.